Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz
There's a couple things I get asked a lot about with the Jake body that really need some visuals to get across.
First is finding the modify version of the Jake body.

Make sure you have the most up to date pack for the Belleza Jake body.
The box highlighted in green contains the modify Jake body. Rez this and unpack it.
This body will allow you to drop in scripts for items like my Rotten Candy Gore guts.
Next is enabling Bakes on Mesh for the Jake body mesh so alpha system layers will work.
By default, the body transparency mode is set to "none." It needs to be set to "masking."

Open up your Belleza Jake HUD to the Skin tab. If it is the most up to date HUD, you will see a BoM section at the top with a button next to it that says "None."
Pressing it will cycle through None, Blend and Mask. You can use either Blend or Mask, but Mask is better overall so there are no transparent texture conflicts.
That's it! System alpha layers should now work on your Jake body.
All of my work is modify, so that leaves you able to do anything you want to it!
Manually editing gives you the ability to really customize and make things more unique or work in creative ways.
Here's some quick tips on how to start editing modify items manually. Some of the most used functions of the Edit Menu are highlighted here in green.

"Edit Linked" allows you to select linked parts on an object you're wearing or have rezzed. Rigged objects are more difficult to edit while wearing.
When editing an object's parts, you can hold shift while selecting and select multiple linked parts at once."Select Face" allows you to select specific faces on objects and/or linked objects. You can hold shift while selecting and select multiple faces at once.Below these two options are arrows, which let you cycle through different parts of a linked set. Useful if you're having a hard time clicking something small!
There is also Link and Unlink. Some of my items, like the Fae Embers, can be linked together to save outfit space on your avatar.
Others can be unlinked so you can wear only a small part if you wish."Transparency" is also an option to "take off" a part of an item without unlinking it. Just set the % to 100 and it will disappear. Setting it to 0 will make it visible again."Tint" is very fun! If you've got the part and face of an object you want to change the color of (like an eye or something) clicking in the box above Tint will give you a color picker.
Pick any color you like! Hitting OK will apply the color. Hitting Cancel will revert back to the color it was before you edited and close the color picker.There are lots of other options in this menu that can be used to enhance your items, so try'em out. Be sure to always rez out or make a copy of your item in your inventory before editing. Even the most seasoned modder can mess up an item beyond recognition, but it doesn't hurt when you can just rez a new copy!
Tinting PBR emissive is just as easy as tinting things regularly, you just need to click the right color box! You also will need to have a PBR
enabled viewer to see the options, so be sure you have an updated viewer. Tinting emissive is very cool, because you can specially tint
specific areas of the texture. See below for an example of it in action.

Make sure you're in the PBR tab and locate thee TINT box (the one that's changing color above) and click on it to access the color picker.
Then just pick your color and it will change immediately on the mesh.
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz
No refunds or exchanges!
With mod / copy permissions, you are not able to send back any items to me.
With this in mind, giving refunds is not possible unless duplicates were bought.
Please purchase wisely, read the advertisements carefully and try on demos.• Alternate Accounts •
I will not send items purchased on one account to another one.• Customs & User Modification •
Unfortunately I don't have time to do custom work. which includes commissions, edits to existing work or re-fits to specific bodies/parts.
The buyer is responsible for any modification to the product that extends beyond it's initial design.
I will NOT give out my Photoshop files or mesh files for most items! Dev-kits for select items are available on the page linked below.
THINGS TO KNOW》I can only speak English. I will try my best with auto-translate if needed.》Please don't send me a friend request if I'm just doing customer service for you. I will ignore it.》 I don't sell / give away my mesh or textures full perm. Don't ask anyway.》 If you are unreasonable and rude, I have no patience anymore and I will not respond. I'll just blanket ban you. Being nice isn't that hard.》 All my rigged work has demos. Please try things before you buy them to make sure they fit and that you like them.》 I do not provide demos for unrigged work generally, because every aspect of it can already be edited to your liking.》 I do not RP.THE ACTUAL FAQ》 Can I ask you a question?
Yes. Though perhaps it is better to lead with the question instead.
Drop me a notecard if you need to ask something not covered in this FAQ!》 Are you going to have fatpacks of your gachas after the great gacha ban of 2021?
Yes, though it will take a while to get everything re-permissioned and repackaged. Expect them to be all back in some way by the time my new store is complete.》 Are you going to fit (insert item) to other bodies?
Maybe. I will be fitting a fair bit of my older rigged work to Reborn, as well as things to male bodies here and there, but only after my shop/sim redesign is complete.》 Where can I get a devkit for the avatar you made?
You can find those over on the Downloads page!》 My item wasn't delivered!
If an item did not make it to you, there are redelivery terminals at all my stores. The marketplace now has a redelivery feature as well.
If it still fails, contact Nama Gearz in-world for assistance. Note: I can't redeliver Blue Galaxy products.》Where did Blue Galaxy go?
The sim was handed over to me to take over payment, so I've opted to change the name of Blue Galaxy to The Hollow to be more in line with the theme of my store. Blue Galaxy products are still there by the sandbox on the ground (for now).》 Do you take commissions?
I don't do customs or commissions, and will very rarely do collaborations.》 What is your stance on AI (Artificial Intelligence) in regards to art and literature?
It is a technology society is not ready for, morally or legally. AI models cannot be trusted to be trained ethically on consented works, and have been proven to use stolen, unapproved artwork and articles to generate and replicate styles of writing, art and styles of specific artists/writers by name. In its current state, it's exploitive to real artists, writers and even voice actors. So to say I don't think highly of it is an understatement. I will never consent to any AI model being trained with any art, 3D work, screenshot or photo I create, or is created for my brand AND I will never use AI in any aspect of my work.》Can I pay you for your model/mesh from SecondLife to be used in another platform?
No. It would be very hard to keep track of how my assets would be used outside SecondLife, so I'm not giving permission for any of my work to be uploaded on the following (but not limited to) platforms: Sansar, VR Chat, High Fidelity, OpenSim, SineSpace, Unity, or Unreal.》Can I have items for free to blog?
I only give items out to those on my blogger team. If you have interest in becoming a blogger for ::Static:: check the Blogger page. If you aren't one of my official bloggers and you ask for an item, the request will be ignored.》Affiliate vendors?
I will never do affiliate vendors. I want to remain in control of where my work shows up.》 I'd like to invite you to my mall / event!
If you'd like to invite me to take part in an event, please see the Events page. I plan months ahead, so sending invites at least two months in advance gets more consideration!
Group slots are scarce so for mall spaces I have to be choosy, but send me a notecard and I'll have a look!》 What bodies do you rig to?
The core bodies I rig to are Legacy Male and Female, Belleza Jake, eBody Reborn and Maitreya. I have dropped consistent support for Kupra, the female Belleza bodies and Signature male bodies, however I will occasionally rig arm and leg items to those bodies.》 Why only those bodies?
It takes a lot of time and sanity to fit and properly weight things between bodies, specially when some bodies require the mesh item to be distorted in size to large degrees. Having done research on SL body popularity as well, I've determined that the ones in the previous question are most worth doing.》 Can I have the script in one of your items? Or maybe a morsel of HUD script?
Most scripts used in my work are custom made for me and only me. For general use HUD scripts, I've used PXL SmartHUD for many years now.》You said everything was modify! Why does it say "no modify" next to the item in my inventory?
All of my items are modify! Though the scripts inside are not for reasons that should be obvious if you read above. The mesh or prim is modify / tintable / adjustable.》My HUD doesn't work!!
One thing people don't often think about is large HUDs that have invisible parts that overlap other HUDs and make them unclickable. Check for any body, AO or combat HUDs that may be in the way. If the problem persists unpack a new one. Still? message me!***》 Why can't I buy anything from you???? ***
If it's just the marketplace, I likely have you blocked. I only block people for being extremely obnoxious / inflammatory / rude, so you would've earned it. If you're blocked from using my Caspvervendors / Mainstore, you extra earned it. I have every right to deny someone access to my products for any reason. If I don't want your business, that's my choice. Remember this and BE NICE!》 Need a color ref from something in SL?
Hit CTRL-A, then go to Advanced > UI > Show Color Under Cursor, RGB color will be shown when you hover over.
For best color accuracy, set the item to fullbright before color picking.》Can you teach me how to Photoshop / Maya / Blender / art?
No lol》Do you collect any data from me at any point when I buy from you or use your products?
Apparently this is a thing some creators do??? I do not collect any data from my customers except purchase data from Caspervend which is logged automatically by that system for redeliveries and then the normal SL transaction history that everyone has. If I start collecting any data, I will mention it here.
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz
With my new in-world shop redesign will come a new VIP group feature! It's not quite ready yet, but here is what it will offer:The ::Static:: in-world VIP group comes with a few benefits. Join for a massive amount of freebies previously only obtained through events and also exclusive group gift celebrating 1000 flickr followers! There will be a special VIP room where special colors of various products will be available just for you! Other milestones will also be celebrated with cool new rewards so don't miss out~
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz
For demos and landmarks to events, please visit my Mainstore & for previews, please visit my Flickr!
I may be interested! Send me an info notecard about your event and I'll see if it piques my interest. Be aware though, I may not have time to join your event for various reasons. It may be too short notice or I may have your event's month already booked on my schedule. I will reply / apply if it is something I would like to participate in though!DROP YOUR NOTECARDS ON NAMA GEARZ IN SECONDLIFE
I participated in these events in the distant past and they are no longer running.
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz
Just look at these talented people and how awesome they are!
The images they create are all absolutely stunning and expertly crafted works of art~
Blogger Manager
Currently applications for new bloggers are CLOSED. If we open back up for fresh talent, look here for the form!
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz
For a better view of my 3D work without waltzing into SecondLife, visit my two galleries above!
There I will showcase only my best work and exhibit my range of ability through all manner of themes and project complexities.
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia or Nama Gearz
I host downloads for my avatars and some select items I've made. Blue Galaxy files are also hosted here.
The Terms of Use for these kits should be included, but to be clear, none of these kits should be used to make your own avatar or are to be re-uploaded on any platform. The textures included are not to be re-sold as-is. I'm making these more public downloads now so the restriction to not pass the devkits is lifted since you can get them here anyway.
Skelecat Avatar (Devkit - Blend / PSD)
Drakolich Avatar (Devkit - Blend / PSD)
River Dragon Avatar (Blend / PSD)Solarian Big Cat Digipaws (Blend)
I don't own Blue Galaxy or its products. I also don't sell them and can't update anything about them.
I host the dev files for these old products here for the community because official links are broken.
Solarian Avatar - Blend and PSD
Solarian Feline Tail Alpha for PS channels
Solarian Digi Legs - Blend and PSD / Applier instructions
Solarian Sweater Vest - PSD
Solarian Tanktop - PSD
Solarian Cargo Pants - PSDBG FELINE
BG Feline Avatar - Blend and PSD
BG Feline Cargo Pants - PSD
BG Feline Jupitair Shirt - PSD
BG Feline Nipple Tape - PSD
Grenadier Vest - PSD
If any links are broken, please contact Nama Gearz in-world or in the Discord.
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz

::Static:: Coming soon!

::Static:: Coming soon!
I've gotten many requests of "What are you wearing?" so here's a neat list sorted by ad image, newest to oldest!
Backdrops will be mentioned only if I can remember them. They are often custom built.
If I am not the model, I may not post the ad with parts listed here since the look / outfit is not mine.

::Static:: Ripped Seams
::Static:: Blackthistle Handguard (Tattoo)
<7w> Eve Top
<7w> Eve Shorts
[monso] Anya Hair
+ Demonic Touch - bom/fingers (Legacy F) + {Aii}
Lilithe'// Stein Tattoos - PATCH [FULL]
TF: Mort :: BoM Cat/Gen : Veins Full - Light
Skin: VELOUR: Ipanema Body for Legacy - Skinny (Grey Alien)Backdrop: [Achromatic] Haunted Room Backdrop

::Static:: Grandolier Hairpins
Neck Piece: V/. VoluptasVirtualis. [NocturnalBloom]
RAWR! Riley Earrings ELF EvoX
Tattoo: +Nuuna+ Jiji 50%
Purgatory. - Neck Fade EvoX\BOM 80%
Skin: VELOUR: Ipanema Body for Legacy - Skinny (Grey Alien)
Magika - Hair - Selene

::Static:: Raider Bullet Bands {MAZE Legacy F}
SEKA's Punkette Crop DARK 4
SEKA's Rebel Wrap
+WORN+ Junk Lover Shorts Patches Denim 1
Izzie's - Dirt dark
[monso] Pink Hair

::Static:: Wither Arms
::Static:: Reaper's Hood {Dust}
THIS IS WRONG Mind Flyer tattoo
Skin: VELOUR: Ipanema Body for Legacy - Skinny (Grey Alien)

::Static:: Outlaw Bandolier Hat ~ Scorched
Dark PaliScarf LQM - REDGRAVE
[P.0.E] - Talhar Armor (Jake)
Grab My!! Cigar - Mouth - [Chris Two Designs]Backdrop: Constructed with (Fundati) Chihuahuan Desert Pack 2.3

::Static:: Runic Sickles
::Static:: Aetherscale
::Static:: Dhampire Livery
Moon Elixir x MUSE - Soul Wanderer - Legacy - Top
Moon Elixir x MUSE - Soul Wanderer - Legacy - Skirt
MUSE - Ethereal Awakening - Legacy - Sleeves[KILO] Ribbon FL Garters
[monso] Hunkaa Hair
[Cynful] Stripper DustBackdrop: FOXCITY. Photo Booth - Old Arena (Windy + Surround)

::Static:: Oh, Wretched One
bonbon - mei hair - RIGHT/long bangs (unrig)
Thalia Tunic Torn by Caverna Obscura
Izzie's - Dirt dark
Izzie's - LeL Evo X - Cheek Scar L light
Izzie's - 01 Scraped Elbows Fit A
VELOUR~ Grey Alien skin
LeLutka MILAN HeadBackdrop: K&S - // Last Hope Harbor backdrop. w/o lights

::Static:: Dhampire Livery Choker, Chest Chain & Belly Chain
::Static:: Asunder
::Static:: Dahliia Pasties
Stealthic - Lilium
Random Matter - Vered Mantle [Warm]
+ Demonic Touch - bom/fingers (Legacy F) + {Aii}
Kyutechi - Emai Bikini Pantie (Iris) Leg
Kyutechi - Emai Skirt (Iris) Leg
VELOUR~ Grey Alien skin
TF: Mort :: BoM Cat/Gen : Veins Full - Light
Izzie's - LeL Evo X - Neck Bruises (Strangled Hand) 06
LeLutka MILAN Head
TF: Nomak (U) :: EvoX : Bloody Mouth - LightBackdrop: K&S - // Eternal Veil. Backdrop

::Static:: Fae Embers
::Static:: Fallen Branch Antlers (Gacha)
Clover - Forest nymph cover
Clover - Vine wrap

::Static:: Blackthistle Set
bonbon - noise hair
VELOUR~ Grey Alien skin
LeLutka MILAN HeadShown in some other ad images:
bonbon - tuzi hair
[Aleutia] Xia Thong

::Static:: Cauldrons
Backdrop & props:
::Static:: Arachnid - 16 Ladybird Spider
DRD MM web
Rustica - Cast Iron Wood Stove
DRD - Hunters Retreat - Carpet
Schultz Bros. The Winter Cabin Large

::Static:: Asunder
::Static:: Royally Laced Choker {Somber}
MAZE Soft Thighs & Arms
[Aleutia] Xia Thong
V/.VoluptasVirtualis - Lulla - Latex
RAWR! Chronos Rings
[Cynful] Stripper Dust
Lilithe'// Scylla Tattoos - Faded
[monso] Yor Hair

::Static:: Shackles of the Damned
PFCWild top & outfit elements
PFCLeather F [LEGACY] thong
Magika - Hair - Cassiopeia
Izzie's - Dirt light
/ HEAD / lel EvoX MILAN 3.1
Legacy Female Body
Backdrop: :Fanatik Architecture: CAVES Crypt Chamber Add-on

::Static:: Taffeta Horns
::Static:: Blindfold - Black
bonbon - riley hair (fit)
Moon Elixir x MUSE - Divine Temptation - Legacy - Choker
Violent Seduction - Nyx - (Black)
TABOU. HANA Septum -Silver (tinted gold)
B L A I S E . Grimm Earrings (Evo X) F Elf
Skin: VELOUR: Ipanema Body for Legacy - Skinny (Grey Alien)
/ HEAD / lel EvoX MILAN 3.1
Legacy Female Body
VARONIS - Sombre Skybox
::Static:: Cathedral Candles {Black} Large

::Static:: Static Parasthesia Multicolor
SEKA's Almost Top (Legacy)
SEKA's Pin Panty
Spoiled - Bratty Nipple Patches
Hair - Stealthic - Allure
THIS IS WRONG Devil tattoo
THIS IS WRONG Owned tattoo
THIS IS WRONG Pollock tattoo
Legacy Female Body
Backdrop - FOXCITY No Doubt (With Lights)

::Static:: Tear Your Heart Out - Engorged
::Static:: Blindfold
bonbon - riley hair
Moon Elixir x MUSE - All Eyes On Me - Legacy - Corset
Moon Elixir x MUSE - Divine Temptation - Legacy - Choker
{ aa } Fallen Makeup - Lip (Single Spike) EvoX
/ HEAD / lel EvoX MILAN 3.1
Legacy Female Body

::Static:: Cloudy Sheep Fluffs
::Static:: Leatherbound Harness
Sweet Thing. Nara Ears (Non-Rigged, Static)
[Yomi] Andromeda Hair
Legacy Female Body
Hair - Dura - U95
(Head texture custom for ad - not for sale)
[Razzicle] Corsican Ram Horns: Light Brown
Sweet Thing. Nara Ears (Non-Rigged, Static)
Noche. Auryn Sarong White
Legacy Male Body

::Static:: Wrath of Athena
::Static:: Royally Laced Choker {Pure}
Hair - [Yomi] Andromeda Hair
Dress - Moon Elixir x MUSE - Moonlit Secret
.Tardfish. Infinate Halo
Clover - Blinding wrap
Legacy Female Body
Backdrop - MINIMAL - Achelois Ruins

::Static:: Lilith Horns
::Static:: Agrace Choker Black (Limited Gift)
Lilithe'// Morrigan Tattoos - Double Line - Fresh
[Salem] Lilith Pasties
Moon Elixir x MUSE - Divine Temptation
AURICA Maya Dress
RAWR! Chronos Rings
[monso] Jennie Hair
Legacy Body
Backdrop: VARONIS - Ascelin Skybox

::Static:: Dahlia Pasties
Moon Elixir x MUSE - Cursed Heart - Legacy - Bolero
Otaku. Yui G-String / Dk Black
RAWR! Chronos Rings
PUNCH / Navel Piercing / Pearl
Legacy Body
Backdrop: VARONIS - Ascelin Skybox

::Static:: Soothsayer Shawl
TF: Machinist (F) :: Chest - Light (BoM) 75%
:[Plastik]:-Tribal Tattoo-T-Light-Tintable
Izzie's - Dirt light
Hotdog+Nekros - Bad luck charm
Raven Bell - Adel Hair
Legacy Body

::Static:: Rotten Candy Gore (purple color)
::Static:: Chrystalline Armor {Tourmaline}
Spoiled - Whip Cream Tease Classic
[Cynful] Stripper Dust - Legacy
Legacy Body
Backdrop: BROKEN ARROWS - Ice Cream Backdrop - Candy

::Static:: Hexxus Symbiote {Black}
::Static:: Hexxus Symbiote Eyes (gift)
cinphul // raptor [boots]
Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_BREATH ~
Legacy Body
Backdrop: MINIMAL - Solitude Scene
E.V.E KOI (MOD) Square Confetti Ring
{anc} mist cloud [sungold]

::Static:: Ossibus Necklace {Natural}
Nip Covers by me, currently unreleased.
[Yomi] Andromeda Hair
:[Plastik]:-Tribal Tattoo-T-Light-Tintable
Izzie's - Dirt light
TF: Machinist (F) :: Chest - Light (BoM) 75%
Lilithe'// Rabies Tattoos - Fresh [FINGERS ONLY]
Legacy Body

::Static:: Possessed Skulls
::Static:: Agrace Choker (unobtainable)
LVL9 Efreet Horns
AdN Dress for Legacy
RAWR! Chronos Rings
Hair: Raven Bell - Soleil
Legacy Body
Skybox: Minimal - Graveyard Scene

::Static:: Moirae Veil {Atropos}
::Static:: Fae Embers
{GHOSTED} Hemomancer BOM Tattoo
[Cubic cherry] {Infection} wounds RED
[NC] - The Seer - Top Torn Black (Gacha)
Hair: Stealthic - Lilium
Legacy Body
Building: DRD Swamp Shack
Ropes & Pose: FOXCITY. Dream Catcher Bento Pose Set

::Static:: Bandito Poncho (Mesa & Outlaw colors)
::Static Bandito Snood
Female Pants: Toksik - Leather Leggings (Black)
Male Pants: Toksik - Invasion Pants
Toksik - Varmint Hat
Female hair: Magika - Cassiopeia
Legacy Body M & F

::Static:: Reaper's Hood {Void}
HAZEL - Bloody nose BOM
[Cubic Cherry] {Insight} mask BLACK
[Cubic cherry] {Infection} wounds RED
[Cubic cherry] {Infection} wounds hands BLACK
Coffee Paws - BOM Markings - Dark Matter
THIS IS WRONG Mind Flyer tattoo
Scythe: [CerberusXing] Wasteland Reaper
Legacy Body M & F
Backdrop: [CerberusXing] Crucifix Corridor

::Static:: Coinpurse (Tan)
::Static:: Shabby Witch Sleeves
::Static:: Potions Cauldron
PFC Leather Top
PFC Leather Pants
Old World Mushroom Basket Backpack
Plastik/Petrichor Tribal Tattoo Light
Legacy Body

::Static:: Unholy Stigmata
Toksik - Leather Leggings (Black)
RAWR! Chronos Rings
Legacy Body

::Static:: Chrystalline Armor Citrine (female model)
::Static:: Chrystalline Armor Ruby (male model)
Head jewel: Freebie from Crystal Heart Event (no longer available)
Rings: PENDULUM - Avioch Legacy F Gold
Ears + Earrings: Petrichor Matevari Ears (gacha)
Hair Female: Magika - December
Legacy Body M & F

::Static:: Stellar Remora
FAKEICON Mary Gems Collar
FAKEICON Poxic Gemsuit
Moon Elixir x Muse - Dripping in Luxury Pasties
Hair: Foxy - Altair
Skin: Petricor/TRAP Kalari Vors
Legacy Body
Skybox: Minimal - Exile Scene

::Static:: Countess Longsleeves
Just BECAUSE - Sabrina Dress
Rings: PENDULUM - Avioch Legacy F Gold
Hair: Stealthic - Porcelain
Legacy Body
Skybox: ChiMia - Marais Apartment Black

::Static:: Spellweaver's Sleeves
Top: Violent Seduction - Nyx (black)
Hair: DOUX - Coven (with hat)
Legacy Body
Skybox: Minimal - Graveyard Scene
::Static:: Thunder God BoltsMALE:
PFC ~ Caesar JAKE Stole (clean)
CerberusXing Kronos' Crown (Gold)
Belleza Jake Body
::Static:: Thunder Goddess BoltsFEMALE:
CerberusXing Kronos' Crown (Black)
ADN Dress
[RA] Wicca Hair
Magika - Bangs - Cassiopeia
Lilithe'// Rabies Tattoos - Fresh
Legacy Body

::Static:: Candlelight Mantle
::Static:: Agrace Choker Black (unobtainable)
Lingerie: Violent Seduction - Nyx
Just BECAUSE Yula Coat - 16Red
Hair: .Olive. the Audrey Hair [Non-Rigged] - Greyscale (Gacha)
Legacy Body
Skybox: VARONIS - Verendus Skybox

::Static:: Coinpurse (Tan)
(A)MAZE ~ Chaotic Girl ~ Shorts
(A)MAZE ~ Chaotic Girl ~ Top
Hair: Magika - Autumn
Legacy Body
Copyright © 2021 ::Static:: All rights reserved. | Site made using Carrd | Photography by either Hensa Umia, Marmimo or Nama Gearz